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These are the principles we share as one Paramount community.

They define the ideals we aspire to and guide how we do business and treat each other. Together, our values form the foundation of our company and the culture we strive to build.


Our values
Optimism & Determination

We share a positive belief that we can navigate and thrive in the landscape ahead.

Inclusivity & Collaboration

We embrace new and diverse voices, act with care and work together to capture opportunities and manage through challenges.

Agility & Adaptability

We think entrepreneurially, are resilient in change and move quickly to anticipate and create what’s next.


Why is our BCS so important?

We are a community. As such, we must hold ourselves and each other accountable to behave in a way that promotes a culture where we can all flourish. We all help make that a reality when we live our values and follow the standards in the Global Business Conduct Statement.
The BCS serves as an expression of Paramount’s commitment to acting ethically and in accordance with the laws that apply to us wherever we do business. It is also intended to be a practical resource on ethics and legal compliance matters, providing information and guidance to help us always do the right thing. 
The BCS incorporates an overview of Company policies on the various topics covered. Your understanding of and adherence to the BCS will help us sustain a culture of integrity and respect for the law. This is essential to earning and retaining the trust of our many stakeholders, and safeguarding our reputation and long-term business success. 
Many of the provisions in the BCS are based on laws and government rules and regulations that apply to Paramount employees and directors everywhere in the world where we do business. 
Other policies reflect Paramount’s determination to maintain a lawful and ethical workplace that is conducive to our business and free from discrimination and harassment in any form.

Your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the BCS

Please read the BCS carefully, making sure you understand every section. 
As an employee, it is your obligation to be familiar with all the BCS’s contents, ask questions when something isn’t clear and escalate concerns when you observe questionable behavior. 

Bookmark, save, and consult this document regularly 
The BCS is an important business resource that you should consult regularly – especially whenever you have a question about choosing a course of action that is ethical, in compliance with the law and aligned with our business goals. We strongly recommend bookmarking a link to the BCS at BCS.Paramount.com so you can always access a copy when you need it. 

Additional Online Training 
In addition to this document, you will receive online training to help further explain the various provisions and underlying policies of the BCS. After completing this training, you will be asked to certify that you understand the BCS and have appropriately disclosed certain information


Leaders & Supervisors

Those of us who lead or manage others have the added responsibility of acting as role models, exemplifying the behaviors we expect in order to create a strong ethical climate and to reflect our shared values. As a leader or manager, you should:

Supplier & business partners

Partnering with outside organizations is an essential part of doing business. These organizations can be seen as extensions of Paramount so it’s critical that they adhere to the same high standards to which we hold our employees. We expect all suppliers and business partners to review, understand and follow our Supplier Compliance Policy and relevant provisions in Paramount’s Business Conduct Statement. 


If you serve on the Board of Directors and have questions or need additional guidance about the topics discussed in this Statement, please consult Paramount’s Chief Compliance Officer or Corporate Secretary.