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To encourage creativity and innovation, we must also foster a working environment where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas and raising their concerns. We are at our best when people are willing to share diverse viewpoints and introduce alternate approaches.

Speaking up is encouraged

By the same token, we must raise our voices when we observe inappropriate or questionable behavior at work. A culture in which speaking up is encouraged fosters a climate of creativity and innovation and also empowers each of us to be personal ambassadors for an ethical culture, our values, and the standards of expected employee behavior outlined in this Business Conduct Statement. This is why we’ve created a distinct, overarching policy across Paramount to communicate our expectations around speaking up and non-retaliation.

Escalate concerns

Paramount’s Speaking Up & Non-Retaliation Policy clarifies the universal expectation of employees to speak up and raise concerns if they see behavior which they feel is at odds with the guidance in the Business Conduct Statement. If you do not feel comfortable approaching your immediate supervisor with your concern, our policy also contains important information (subject to local law) on How to escalate concerns or make an anonymous report.

Paramount prohibits retaliation against anyone for raising or helping to address an integrity concern in good faith. Retaliation is against our values and may result in discipline up to and including dismissal.


Why it matters

We all want to work at an ethical, respectful workplace that lets us find our voice, speak up and ask questions. At any large organization, issues occasionally arise, but bad conduct flourishes when it is left unchallenged and remains unaddressed or undiscovered. Therefore, we each have a responsibility – to ourselves, the Company and each other – to ask questions, raise concerns and report misconduct. As an organization, Paramount has ensured there is always a safe space for employees to raise concerns in good faith. We take your reports very seriously. This is why Paramount prohibits retaliation against anyone for raising or helping to address an integrity concern in good faith. Paramount employees are required to report behavior that may violate the policies in the BCS or any instances of or concerns about potential harassment or discrimination, to ensure that they are addressed quickly and appropriately (subject to local law).

For more information, contact the Office of Global Compliance

What it looks like in our day-to-day work 
  • Speaking up, asking questions and escalating concerns when we observe behavior that may violate the policies in the Paramount’s Business Conduct Statement or any other Company policy. 
  • Taking personal accountability for raising concerns (and raising them early) – and not waiting for someone else to do it. 
  • Reporting any concerns about harassment and discrimination, whether experienced or observed by you. 
  • Using alternate reporting channels if you feel uncomfortable raising your concern within your immediate department or location. 
  • Being familiar with OPENLINE, Paramount’s anonymous reporting line. 
  • Never retaliating against another employee for submitting or helping to address a report in good faith.


Using OPENLINE to make a report

If you prefer to discuss your questions or concerns with someone outside your location or team, you have the option of reporting through OPENLINE, Paramount’s anonymous reporting line. Reports to OPENLINE can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can choose to remain anonymous (subject to local law). Identifying yourself is helpful, however, because it allows us to follow up and get more detailed information where appropriate. You can access OPENLINE via phone or computer:

Call OPENLINE toll-free at 1-855-833-5027 or click here to find the toll-free number for your country.

Reporting procedures for members of the Board

Members of the Board of Directors should report any concerns to either the Corporate Secretary or the Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee.

Visit OPENLINE at OPENLINE.Paramount.com